Make Your Website Do The Work!
Making your website work for you VS. a stagnant site that offers you no help can seem like a daunting task, I have a few smart online marketing tips that can have you headed in the right direction.

Re-Design - I will
start with the obvious your website SUCKS! The design is from 2003 (or around then), the home page is cluttered with unnecessary lists, and those colors and fonts you have tried to update yourself they really don't help your situation and you know it. While I know you had spent thousands of dollars on this gem way back when it’s no secret you defend it with your life, and frankly it is time to start from scratch. I am sure when this website was developed it was the cats meow. Now on the cusp of 2016 web design trends your dated website is more then lacking. Your customers need a reason to come back to your site. Even when they are not looking to buy a specific item or service you offer. Which brings me to point number 2.
Blogs - write about your products and services sure, but add some flavor and you will have people begging for more. If you own a clothing store blog about "fitting your body type on a budget” or "crazy dressing room tales” use topics that excite people and spark interest STOP SELLING…START ENTERTAINING! This way you entice your audience to keep coming back for more. Not to mention help to keep your website relevant on your common search engines.
Digital Shopping - it is unbelievable to me how many business owners have retail products to sell or services they can have client’s “Pre-order” and they don’t take advantage. You can be making money when you aren’t even working. Your online store can practically do all of the inventory for you and now you can even schedule your pick ups with the USPS or FedEx. I mean it can’t get any easier. There are 191.1 million digital shoppers in the US why aren’t you tapping into that market?

Email Marketing Sign Up - if you don't have a place for customers to sign up for your specials and events on your website you are doing your company a great disservice. Furthermore if people are signing up and you are NOT reaching out to them you are missing an opportunity to connect to someone who truly is interested in your brand. Do not make this mistake people asking for you to contact them will move on if you don't reach out.
Social Media - Not to state the obvious social media interaction is more important than you probably think a genuine relationship with your followers can score big. So many times people want to treat their social media as if it needs to be diplomatic and even boring. I am here to tell you to put yourself out their a little, spark some conversation, let your followers know it's really you talking and not some social media expert behind the computer posting things do let your customers know about a sale you may be having. When your clients feel like they know you, they trust you, give them a piece of you. After all this is your business it is your baby, right?
All this said your website can make magic for you, if you are willing to put a little love and care into it you can set yourself apart from the thousands of other websites in your category. Just give it a try, I believe you will be happy you did.